Taking Advantage of Modern Communication Tools for Recruitment

delken June 11, 2024 Recruitment

Taking Advantage of Modern Communication Tools for Recruitment

Taking Advantage of Modern Communication Tools for Recruitment

Contemporary recruiting methods have improved how companies and recruiters do their sourcing. One of the major factors behind this improvement has undoubtedly been the facilitated access to the vast databases of Social Media, such as LinkedIn.

The times when job seeking included browsing the relative sections of the newspapers while employers waited patiently for the properly qualified person to magically appear, are long gone. Nowadays, the majority of HR departments and recruiting professionals rely to newer recruiting techniques.

Recruiting via Social Media

LinkedIn is one of the most popular sources for modern recruiting. Every accomplished and skilled professional is almost certainly on LinkedIn nowadays, so reaching out for appropriate candidates is easier than ever. In fact, most recruiters sourcing to cover a job opening would have greater success if they used social networks. Embedded in these websites is a vast database of potential employees along with every bit of information a sourcer would need; and it costs little to nothing as well!

Social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter offer the chance to employers to post job vacancies; additionally, they can browse through the profiles of potential candidates and compile a checklist of suitable candidate employees for each position. This is feasible because of the wealth of information provided by profiles in these websites, making them exceptional sources of skilled candidates. Finally, job postings can be scheduled according to the time of the day that has the best conversion rate.

Recruiting via Mobile

You may think that Social Networking is the only modern technique that modern employers implement to recruit new employers, but you are wrong: Mobile Recruiting is also trending as a promising sourcing method, besides social media recruiting. Its relative advantage is availability and ease of use, since it’s accessible to more people.

Its flexibility allows interested individuals not only browse through job listings but also apply to them on the go, regardless of their physical status. Of course, if you employ this method you need to make sure that your listing is viewable on a smartphone screen and readable without problems.

By combining mobile and social recruiting techniques, you can greatly enhance your search for the right applicant, because you automatically gain access to passive candidates, besides active ones. Each method has its strengths that can augment recruiting and snatch the best candidates for each listing. Therefore, recruiting knowledge via Social Networking and Mobile is essential for modern Sourcers.

Finally, beyond the fancy high-tech methods described above, we shouldn’t disregard the traditional ways of communication such as simple messaging, e-mail and, of course, making a phone call to cross-check the information and meeting the interested applicant face to face.

We outlined the most effective modern recruiting techniques that Sourcers use in the modern era to recruit suitable candidate employees. You are free to try them out and boost your results in the quest for the perfect candidate.